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Godox Service Center

Anything has happened to your Godox equipment? We are here to help you. F-Service, located in Krakow, Poland is a Godox Service Center in Europe. We carry out repairs and service of whole range of Godox equipment. As authorized Service Center we carry warranty and post-warranty repairs. Repair requests can be made through the reseller or directly to F-Service.

All necessary information about the repair costs and its timeframe can be found below.

Important: before shipping your equipment to the address below, please contact us using the form available on the website:

Warranty repairs


Warranty repairs are supported only for products from official Next77/Delta/Qmedia distribution. Repair of equipment from outside these sources is treated as post-warranty.
The basis for the warranty claim is proof of purchase of the product in the form of a receipt or an invoice issued in one of the European countries. If the Customer does not provide a relevant document, F-Service is entitled to charge a fee for the work time and parts necessary to perform the repair.


Duration of service


Within 10 working days from the claim’s start, F-Service will carry out an assessment of the equipment failure and inform the Customer about the repair’s status. Warranty claim processing and necessary repairs may take up to 30 days in total. F-Service will make every effort to ensure that all of the diagnosed equipment failures are going to be removed as soon as possible.


Rejection of a warranty claim


F-Service has the right to decide if the reported equipment failure is covered by the limited warranty. In the case of a warranty claim rejection, the Customer will receive a cost evaluation of a non-warranty repair.


Repair Options


At any time, the Customer can report the defect which is not covered by the limited warranty and ask for a repair. In such a case, malfunctioning equipment must be sent to F-Service for inspection. F-Service will carry out an assessment of the equipment failure and inform the Customer about the estimated cost and time of the repair.


Shipping costs


All costs of shipping of the equipment to F-Service should be covered by the Customer. Return package will be sent by F-Service free of charge. Customer is charged with all shipping costs of equipment that require repairs that are not covered by the limited warranty.




The fee amount and the payment method for the repair is individually determined each time and the Customer is informed of them if the question arises.




Plk. Dabka 17, 30-732 Krakow

Poland, tel. +48 12 270 12 81

Service center is open monday to friday, from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.